Please select from the menu above
- Aam Admi Bima Yojana
- Absolute poverty
- Accelerated Power Development Programme
- Accelerated Power Development Reforms Programme (APDRP)
- Accelerated Power Development Reforms Programme (APDRP)
- Ad-valorem tax
- Ad-valorem tax is imposed on the value (price x quantity) of a commodity.
- Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)
- Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)
- Advantages of hydel power.
- Agreement on Agriculture (AoA)
- Agreement on Agriculture (AoA)
- Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
- Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
- Amber Box under the Agreement on Agriculture means
- Amber Box under the Agreement on Agriculture means
- Angel investor
- Annual Monetary Policy statement of the RBI
- Annual Plans
- Annual Plans
- Anti
- Anti-Dumping duty
- Antyodaya Anna Yojana
- Antyodaya Anna Yojana
- Appreciation of the currency
- Appreciation of the currency
- ASHA in community health service
- Asset Reconstruction Company
- Asset Reconstruction Company
- Asset Securitisation
- Asset Securitisation
- Banc assurance
- Banc assurance
- Banc assurance
- Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
- Bank Rate (BR)
- Bank Rate(BR)
- Base effect of inflation
- Base Year
- Base Year
- Basel II Norms
- Basel II Norms
- Benchmark PLR
- Benchmark PLR
- Bharat Nirman Programme
- Bharat Nirman Programme
- Biometric Visa.
- Blue Box support under the WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture
- Blue Box support under the WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture
- Board for Financial Supervision
- Board for Financial Supervision
- Book Building Process
- Book Building Process
- BRIC Report
- BRIC Report
- Bring out the objectives of Minimum Support Price for Agriculture Products
- Bring out the objectives of Minimum Support Price for Agriculture Products
- Broad money
- Broad money
- Budget 2010 -11 and R& D support
- Budget Deficit
- Budget Deficit
- Budgetary steps taken by the government to monitor the government schemes
- Bull in the stock market
- Bull in the stock market
- Business Confidence Index
- Business Confidence Index
- Business Expectations Index
- Business Expectations Index
- Buy Back
- Buy Back
- Cafeteria approach –
- Call Money Market
- Call Money Market
- Capital account convertibility
- Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)
- Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)
- Capital Expenditure
- Capital Expenditure
- Capital Gains Bond and Priority Sector Bonds
- Capital Gains Tax
- Capital Gains tax
- Capital Gains Tax
- Capital Output Ratio
- Capital Output Ratio
- Capital receipts
- Capital receipts
- Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
- Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
- Cash Transaction Tax (CTT)
- CBLO market
- CBLO market
- Central Electricity Authority
- Changes brought by the budget 2008-09 in personal income tax
- Cheap money policy
- Cheap money policy
- Clean note policy
- Clearing Corporation of India Ltd (CCIL)
- Clearing Corporation of India Ltd (CCIL)
- Closed end schemes of Mutual Funds
- Closed-End Mutual Funds
- Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDOs)
- Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDOs)
- Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices
- Competition Act 2002
- Competition Act 2002
- Components of Broad money
- Consumer Price Index
- Consumer Price Index
- Convertible Bond
- Convertible Bond
- Core inflation
- Core inflation
- Core inflation
- Corporate Debt Restructuring Mechanism
- Corporate Debt Restructuring Mechanism
- Cost -Push inflation
- Cost -Push inflation
- Cost cascading effect
- Cost cascading effect
- Countervailing Duties (DVD)
- Countervailing duty
- Couple Protection ratio
- Couple Protection ratio?
- Credit Information Bureau of India limited
- Credit Information Bureau of India limited Objectives
- Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005
- Creeping inflation
- Currency Swap
- Currency Swap
- Current Daily Status Unemployment
- Current Daily Status Unemployment
- Current Weekly Status Unemployment
- Current Weekly Status Unemployment
- Dear money policy
- Dear money policy
- Debt swap scheme
- Decentralised Planning
- Decoupling
- Decoupling?
- Defence Modernisation Fund
- Deficit financing
- Deficit financing
- Deflation
- Deflation
- Demand pull inflation
- Demand- pull inflation
- Dematerialisation in stock transactions in stock exchanges
- DEPB (Duty Entitlement Pass Book Scheme)
- Deposit insurance and Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
- Depository Receipts
- Depository Receipts
- Depository System in the stock market
- Depreciation of the currency
- Depreciation of the currency
- Derivatives
- Derivatives
- Derivatives Trading
- Derivatives Trading
- Describe the main features of India –Singapore CECA.
- Describe the objectives National Agricultural Insurance Scheme.
- Developmental expenditure
- Developmental expenditure
- Discuss the ill effects of inflation
- Discuss the objectives of NFTP 2004
- Disguised unemployment
- Disguised unemployment
- Disposable personal Income
- Disposable personal Income
- Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO
- Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO
- Dividend Distribution tax
- Dumping
- Dumping
- Dutch decease
- Dutch decease
- Educational cess
- Educational Cess
- Equity Mutual Funds
- Euro Issue
- Euro Issue
- Euro-currency markets
- Euro-currency markets
- Expenditure method (Consumption method)
- Expenditure method (Consumption method).
- Explain the functions of RRBs.
- Explain the functions of the Central Electricity Authority.
- Explain the functions of the National Housing Bank- NHB
- Explain the measure taken under the NFTP 04 for the promotion of service exports
- Explain the objectives of Accelerated Power Development Programme
- Explain the role of TDSAT
- Explain the salient features of National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
- External Commercial Borrowings
- External Commercial Borrowings
- Farm Income Insurance Scheme
- Farm Income Insurance Scheme
- Financial Action Task Force
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Inclusion Fund
- Financial Sector Assessment Program
- Financial stability
- Fiscal deficit
- Fiscal deficit
- Fixed PLR
- Fixed PLR
- Floating Exchange Rate System or Flexible Exchange Rate System
- Floating Exchange Rate System or Flexible Exchange Rate System
- Floating PLR
- Floating PLR
- Foreign Currency Convertible Bond (FCCB)
- Foreign Currency Convertible Bond (FCCB)
- Foreign Institutional Investor
- Foreign Institutional Investor
- Foreign Investment Implementing Agency
- Foreign Investment Implementing Agency
- Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI)
- Free Trade Warehousing Zones (FTWZs)
- Free Trade Warehousing Zones (FTWZs)
- Frictional Unemployment
- Fringe benefit tax
- Fringe benefits
- Fringe benefits
- Functions of the finance commissions
- Future trading in agricultural commodities
- G 33
- G-21 (G20)
- Galloping inflation
- Gender Budgeting
- Gender Budgeting
- Gender Empowerment Measure
- Gender Empowerment Measure
- Gender related Development Index
- Gender related Development Index
- Giffen good
- Gilt- edged securities
- Gilt- edged securities
- Gilt-edged market
- Gilt-edged market
- Gini- coefficient
- Give a note on Samagra Awas Yojana
- Give a note on star export houses
- Give a note on the National Human Development Report 2002
- Give a note on the National Urban Renewal Mission
- GNP deflator
- GNP deflator
- Gold Card Scheme
- Gold Card Scheme
- Goods and Service TAX (GST)
- Goods and Service TAX (GST)
- Government of India’s Debt Restructuring Programme
- Government of India’s Debt Restructuring Programme
- Government’s policy of foreign investment in the banking sector
- Grasham’s Law
- Grasham’s Law
- Green Box support
- Green Box support
- Green GNP
- Green GNP
- Green – shoe option
- Green – shoe option
- Gross Domestic Product
- Gross Domestic Product
- Gross National Product
- Gross National Product
- Growth Funds
- Haircut
- Haircuts
- Hawala Transaction
- Hawala Transaction
- Heavy Industry oriented strategy of industrialization
- Hedge funds
- Hedge funds
- High Net worth Individuals
- High Net worth Individuals
- High Power Money (Reserve Money or Base Money)
- High Power Money(Reserve Money or Base Money)
- Hindu growth rate
- Hindu growth rate
- Hot money
- Hot money
- Human Development Index
- Human Development Index
- Hyperinflation
- ICOR Incremental Capital Output Ratio
- IDBI Act 2003
- Ill effects of inflation
- Imperative Planning
- Imperative Planning
- Imported inflation
- Imported inflation
- Impossible trinity” in monetary policy
- Income Method
- Income Method
- Independent director?
- Index Funds
- India Development Initiative
- India Development Initiative:
- India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL)
- India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL)
- India –Singapore CECA.
- India- Japan currency swap agreement
- India- Japan currency swap agreement
- Indian Crude Basket
- Indian Crude Basket
- Indian Energy Exchange
- Indian Energy Exchange
- Indicative Planning
- Indicative Planning
- Indira Awas Yojana
- Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme
- Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme
- Inflation Targeting
- Inflation Targeting
- Infrastructure and Manufacturing Fund
- Insider Trading
- Insider Trading
- Invisible account of the Balance of Payments
- Invisible account of the Balance of Payments
- Irrigation and Water Resources Finance Corporation (IWRFC)
- Irrigation and Water Resources Finance Corporation (IWRFC)
- Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme
- Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme
- Kisan Credit Cards
- Kisan Credit Cards
- Kuznets Curve
- Laghu Udyami Credit Cards
- Laghu Udyami Credit Cards
- Large Cap Funds
- Lender of last resort
- Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)
- Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)
- Local Area Banks
- Local Area Banks
- Local Area Development Scheme for MPs
- Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Fund (Agricultural Infrastructure and Credit Fund)
- Lorenze curve
- Mailbox under the Patent regime
- Main components of India’s invisible exports
- Managed Floating / Managed Flexibility
- Managed Floating / Managed Flexibility
- Market stabilisation bonds
- Market Stabilization scheme (MSS)
- Market Stabilization scheme (MSS)
- Market- Wide Position Limit (MWPL) (in the stock market)
- Market- Wide Position Limit (MWPL) (in the stock market)
- MAT (Minimum Alternate Tax)
- MAT (Minimum Alternate Tax)
- Merchant banks
- Merchant banks
- Merit goods/merit subsidies
- Merit goods/merit subsidies
- Micro Finance Development and Equity Fund
- Micro Finance Development and Equity Fund
- Micro Insurance
- Micro Insurance:
- Minimum Reserve System
- Minimum Reserve System.
- Mode 4 service transaction under the GATS
- Model School Programme
- Model School Programme
- Modification made by the government on press note 18
- Monetised Fiscal deficit
- Monetised Fiscal deficit
- Money Market Mutual funds
- Money Market Mutual funds
- Moral Suasion
- Moral Suasion
- Mutual Funds
- Mutual Funds
- Narrow money
- National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
- National Commission on Farmers
- National Commission on Farmers
- National Commission on Population
- National Commission on Population
- National Electronic Fund Transfer
- National Food for Work Programme.
- National Food Security Mission (NFSM)
- National Food Security Mission (NFSM)
- National Highway Development Project
- National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)
- National Horticulture Mission
- National Housing Bank
- National Housing Bank
- National Housing Bank
- National Human Development Report 2002.
- National Income
- National Income
- National Institute of Securities Market
- National Institute of Securities Market
- National Investment Fund
- National Investment Fund
- National Means Cum-Merit Scholarships
- National Means Cum-Merit Scholarships
- National mid- day meals programme
- National mid-day meals programme
- National Power Grid
- National Power Grid
- National Programme for Education of Girls of Elementary Education
- National Programme for the Elderly
- National Programme for the Elderly
- National Rural Health Mission
- National Rural Health Mission
- National Rural Health Mission
- National Skill Development C-ordination Board
- National Social Assistance Programme
- National Social Assistance Programme
- National Urban Renewal Mission
- Negotiable Instruments Act
- Negotiable Instruments Act
- Negotiated Dealing System
- Negotiated Dealing System
- NELP (New Exploration and Licensing Policy) VII
- NELP (New Exploration and Licensing Policy) VII
- Net National Product
- Net National Product
- New pension system
- New pension system
- NFTP 04 on the promotion of service exports
- NHDP Phase III (Pradhan Mantri Bharath Jodo Pariyojana)
- Nirmal Gram Puraskar
- Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
- Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
- Non-developmental expenditure
- Non-developmental expenditure
- Non-merit goods/non-merit subsidies
- Non-plan Expenditure
- Non-plan Expenditure
- Non-tariff barrier (NTB)
- NREGS: National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
- Objective o SEZs
- Objective o SEZs
- Objective of New Foreign Trade Policy 2004
- Objective of the Population Policy 2000
- Objectives National Agricultural Insurance Scheme.
- Objectives of Heavy Industry oriented strategy of industrialization
- Objectives of NFTP 2004
- Objectives of the FRBM Act 2003
- Objectives of the FRBM Act 2003
- Offshore Banking Units
- Offshore Banking Units
- Oil Pool Account
- Oil Pool Account
- One by six scheme
- Open inflation
- Open inflation
- Open Market Operations (OMO’s)
- Open Market Operations (OMO’s)
- Open – end schemes of Mutual Funds
- Open – end schemes of Mutual Funds
- Paragraph VI provision of TRIPs
- Paragraph VI provision of TRIPs
- Participatory notes
- Participatory notes
- Patent
- Pension Fund in India
- Pension Fund Institutions in India
- Permanent Account Number (PAN)
- Permanent Account Number (PAN)
- Permitted agricultural supports under the AoA
- Perspective Planning
- Perspective Planning
- Philip’s curve
- Physical Quality of Life Index
- Physical Quality of Life Index
- Plan expenditure
- Plan expenditure
- Planning by direction
- Planning by Inducement
- Planning by Inducement
- Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojoana
- Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
- Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
- Pradhan Mantri Swsthya Suraksha Yojana
- Press note 18
- Prevention of Money Laundering Act and Financial Institutions
- Prevention of Money Laundering Act and Financial Institutions
- Price Stabilization Fund
- Price Stabilization Fund
- Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
- Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
- Primary Dealers (PDs)
- Primary Dealers (PDs)
- Primary deficit
- Primary deficit
- Primary market or new issue market
- Primary market or new issue market in the capital market
- Prime Lending Rate
- Prime Lending Rate
- Priority sector lending
- Priority sector lending
- Priority sector lending?
- Private Equity
- Private Equity
- Private transfers
- Private transfers
- Privileges to Scheduled banks
- Privileges to Scheduled banks
- Process Patent
- Procurement and buffer stock policy
- Product Method
- Product Method
- Product Patent
- Product Patent
- Progressive Tax
- Progressive Tax
- Provisioning Coverage Ratio
- Prudential Norms/Regulation
- Public goods
- Public Private Partnership project
- Qualified Foreign Investors
- Qualified Institutional Buyers
- Qualified Institutional Buyers
- Quantity Theory of Money
- Quantity Theory of Money
- Rajeev Gandhi Fellowships
- Rajiv Awas Yojana
- Rajiv Gandhi Fellowships
- Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management
- Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management
- Rao -Manmohan model of development
- Rao -Manmohan model of development
- Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
- Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
- Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana
- Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana
- RBI’s function as banker to the Government
- RBI’s function as banker to the Government
- Real Interest Rate
- Real Interest Rate
- Real Time Gross Settlement
- Reasons for inflation during 2008
- Recession
- Recession
- Refugee capital
- Refugee capital
- Regional Rural Banks
- Regressive tax
- Regressive tax
- Regulation (reforms) of NBFIs
- Relative poverty
- Repo (Repurchasing Option)
- Repo (Repurchasing Option)
- Repo rate
- Repo rate
- Retail investors
- Retail investors
- Revenue deficit
- Revenue deficit
- Revenue expenditure
- Revenue expenditure
- Revenue Receipts
- Revenue Receipts
- Reverse Repo
- Reverse Repo
- Reverse repo rate
- Reverse repo rate
- Right Issue
- Right Issue
- Role of Debt Recovery Tribunals
- Role of the Investment Commission
- Role of the Investment Commission.
- Role of TRAI
- Role of TRAI
- Rolling Plan
- Rolling Plan
- Rolling Settlement (RS)
- Rolling Settlement (RS)
- Rules of origin issue under the India- Thailand Free Trade Agreement
- Samagra Awas Yojana
- Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
- Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
- Scheduled banks
- Scheduled banks
- Secondary Market
- Secondary Market
- Securities Transaction Tax
- Securities Transaction Tax
- Securitisation
- Securitisation
- Served from Indian Scheme
- Served from Indian Scheme
- Service area approach
- Service exports from India
- Service exports from India
- SHG-Bank Linkage Programme
- Short selling of shares
- Short selling of shares
- Sick industrial company
- Single Star Export House and Five Star Export House
- Single Star Export House and Five Star Export House
- Skewflation
- Skill Development Mission
- Skill Development Mission
- Small and Medium Enterprise Fund
- Small and Medium Enterprise Fund
- Small and Medium Enterprises Fund
- Small Savings
- Smart Card
- Smart Card
- Soft Currency
- Soft Currency
- Soft interest rate regime
- Soft interest rate regime
- Sovereign Wealth Fund
- Special and Differential Treatment under WTO
- Special Drawing Rights
- Special Drawing Rights
- Special Economic Zones Act 2005
- Special Safeguard Duty
- Special Safeguard Duty
- Special Safeguard Mechanism
- Special Safeguard Mechanism
- Specific tax
- Specific tax
- Spot Market
- Spot Market
- Stagflation
- Stagflation
- Standard deduction
- Star export houses
- Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
- Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
- Sterilization
- Sterilization
- Strengthening of the trade defence mechanism
- Structural inflation
- Structural Unemployment
- Structural Unemployment
- Sub- prime crisis
- Sub- prime crisis
- Sub-prime loans
- Sub-prime loans
- Suppressed inflation
- Suppressed inflation
- Swarna Jayanti Gram Shahari Rozgar Yojana
- Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
- Sweat Equity
- Sweat Equity
- Syndicated loan
- Syndicated loan
- Synergy in Energy
- Target plus Scheme
- Target plus Scheme
- Tax buoyancy
- Tax elasticity
- Terms of trade
- The Gilt edged Market
- The Gilt edged Market
- The NAMA-11
- The Special Economic Zones Act 2005
- Tobin tax
- Tobin tax
- Total Factor Productivity growth
- Total Factor Productivity growth
- Towns of export excellence
- Transfer payments
- Transfer payments
- Turnover tax
- Turnover tax
- Ultra Mega Power Projects
- Ultra Mega Power Projects
- Underemployment
- Underemployment
- Undervalued Currency
- Undervalued Currency
- Underwriting
- Underwriting
- Unified license in the telecom sector
- Unified license in the telecom sector
- Unique Identification Authority
- Universal Service Fund
- Universal Service Fund
- Urban areas according to the census 2001
- Usual Status Unemployment
- Usual Status Unemployment.
- Value Added Tax
- Venture Capital Funds
- Venture Capital Funds
- Village Knowledge Centres
- Village Knowledge Centres
- Vishesh Krishi Upaj Yojana
- Vishesh Krishi Upaj Yojana
- Ways and Means Advances
- Ways and Means Advances
- What are non-merit goods/non-merit subsidies
- What are public goods?
- What are the changes brought by the budget 2009-10 in personal income tax?
- What are the components of Broad money?
- What are the features of the Local Area Development Scheme for MPs?
- What are the functions of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices?
- What are the functions of the finance commissions? ( give a note on the thirteenth finance commission)
- What are the functions of TRIFED?
- What are the main components of India’s invisible exports?
- What are the objectives of procurement and buffer stock policy?
- What do you mean by Angel investor?
- What do you mean by Depository System in the stock market?
- What do you mean by lender of last resort?
- What do you mean by Prudential Norms/Regulation
- What do you mean by strengthening of the trade defence mechanism?
- What do you mean by “impossible trinity” in monetary policy?
- What is a Giffen good?
- What is a patent?
- What is a sick industrial company?
- What is Aam Admi Bima Yojana?
- What is absolute poverty?
- What is AYUSH?
- What is cafeteria approach?
- What is Capital account convertibility?
- What is Capital Gains tax?
- What is clause 49 of the Companies Act?
- What is core inflation?
- What is CSO?
- What is DEPB (Duty Entitlement Pass Book Scheme)?
- What is Dividend Distribution tax
- What is Financial Inclusion Fund?
- What is Financial Inclusion?
- What is Financial Stability?
- What is Gini- coefficient?
- What is government’s policy of foreign investment in the banking sector?
- What is INSPIRE?
- What is Laffer curve?
- What is Lorenze curve?
- What is MAPIN?
- What is Mode 4 service transaction under the GATS?
- What is Narrow money?
- What is National Investment Fund?
- What is Non-tariff barrier (NTB)?
- What is Press note 18?
- What is Real Time Gross Settlement?
- What is relative poverty?
- What is rules of origin issue under the India- Thailand Free Trade Agreement?
- What is service area approach?
- What is SMILE?
- What is Special and Differential Treatment under WTO?
- What is SUCCESS?
- What is tax buoyancy?
- What is tax elasticity?
- What is terms of trade?
- What is the budgetary step taken by the government to monitor the government schemes?
- What is the govt. measure to use Foreign Exchange for infrastructure promotion?
- What is the modification made by the government on press note 18?
- What is the objective of National Rural Health Mission?
- What is the objective of the National Investment Fund?
- Withholding tax