UN general Assembly
East clashes with the west at the UN

Samuel Huntington’s prediction of the clash of civilization had a miniature occurrence at the recent UN General Assembly meeting where the Muslim world has criticized the West’s attitude towards mixing freedom of speech with religion.

                The Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Countries has attacked the West for the recent events lead to the release of the controversial film, ‘The Innocence of Muslims’.

                The divide between the two was very visible when the OIC members have introduced a resolution at the UN Human Rights Commission, terming the recent ill treatment of Islam as human rights violation. But the US, European countries and surprisingly, the Latin American countries opposed the resolution describing that human rights are rights of the individuals and not that of religion.

                The OIC’s stand on the release of the film and the associated issues is that the West is practicing Islamophobia which is a form of ‘racism’.

                Huntington’s prophesies about the post cold war world order was that the world will witness increasing tension between cultures especially between the Islamic East and the Christian West.

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